The new Cultural Centre is set up on the remains of several old production halls of the late Ganz Works. Each remaining hall has its own function. Our office was responsible for the interior design of halls „B”, „D” and „E”.
Hall „B” was home for the exhibition called „The Dreamers’ Dreams”. This hall is the largest of the remaining halls. The building rehabilitation was designed by architect József Weber and the interior design consisted of plans for the projection rooms, service terminals, library, café, restrooms as well as all the surfaces and colours int he exhibition area.
The main design feature of Hall „D” (designed by architect László Benczúr) is that the originally very long production hall was cut short by a clear glass wall and a new mezzanine gallery wqs introduced with a new auditorium under it. This building was housing the same exhibition originally. Our office designed the auditorium and the colour scheme as well as the treatment of all the surfaces in the building.
Hall „E” (The Teatrum) is a concert hall capable of housing large scale TV productions such as „Megastar” with all the necessary technical and acoustic features (architect: László Benczúr). Besides the interior design of the studio area and the entrance areas we drew the plans for the bar which later turned to be a local ’icon’, called the ’Red and Black’.
Millenium Center
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16-20.